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Sam and Matt break down the most important numbers that investors have to keep in mind when choosing which properties to buy. Ignoring these numbers is asking for trouble. This is The FasterFreedom Show
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Sam and Lucas meet Jason Pritchard, a wholesaler, investor, and real estate coach from California. Jason shares how he finds and buys properties and how his strategies have changed to fit the current market. Sam, Lucas and Jason also touch on why they choose to be coaches and what it means to them to see others succeed. This is The FasterFreedom Show.
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Sam and Lucas discuss 10 of the most difficult obstacles real estate investors face as beginners. Some of them are still effecting Sam and Lucas to this day! Learn how to overcome them and scale your rental portfolio. This is The FasterFreedom Show.
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Sam and Lucas meet Brian Davila, a high school dropout who went on a journey to become a flipper, wholesaler, real estate coach, and online personality. Sam, Lucas and Brian discuss why people are avoiding real estate and why, if you take action, you can make more in the long run. This is The FasterFreedom Show.
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